Friday, July 26, 2013

my artwork, actually ini curhat

haah, i don't know, where I can find a place to share about ...about what I'm thinking right now. ya know if I share ma feeling it seems like. speechless...
aku tahu inggrisku gak terlalu bagus, dan itu bukan sesuatu yang aku permasalahin saat ini. ya, dibanding media sosial yang selama ini aku pake, blog jadi hal yang terbaik, gak banyak visitor dan aku bisa share every feeling yang gak mau aku unbar di ...ya know lah juga ngehindar seumpama aku buat status yang sudden appear when I got lot of pressure and I type with no direction and can't control my emotions yang bisa bikin masalah besar kalo sampe dibaca orang lain and when type with this language i also got a lot of grammar correction in my comment... looks stupid already with just several words or a sentence and it's also happen when I use my own mother language, my bahasa score was too bad. berasa lemah, freak, buat status yang this is me(with big cross finger), posting picture of yourself with absurd caption, that's really not me, but actually, I just hide myself for not doing such thing like that, n sometime I cheat myself and typing some absurd words. and after that i feel like I'm a big loser.

oke-oke, selain itu aku unya beberapa karya, haha

ne sebenernya tugas yang aku pingin buat waktu liburan, tapi I'm sure, I have no idea to write for toddler storybook, u know already that my bahasa is bad, beside that I like write romance and thriller story, so I ask my friend to write down the story, but after that she refuse that. -..-' pufff

so the point is, this is my art work

one more, I watch movie, from the beginning to the end is full of bad words, can please someone replace that rude word with another word ?...haha kidding

se ya next time...

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Mencari sosok Ayah untuk anakku

Bingung rasanya karna ank mulai tambah besar, harus bilang apa gitu .... kalo semisal tanya Papah dimana mah....? Just saying luar kota....o...